Filming at the Whitby Abbey

Our time at Whitby was incredibly fun! Having never been there before, it was a great experience seeing the sights of the abbey, as well as the ocean when arriving on the bus. It was a beautiful place and i foudn myself forgetting many times that I was actually there to film!

Day 1: 
Arriving at whitby, the first thing i did was get my room key and solidify my place in the bunks, so that no one would steal my bed! After that me and my group met downstairs in the corridor and started heading to the place that we would eventually start filming, the Abbey.
Once up on the Abby for the first time, we set up our filming equipment! Got out the cameras, set up the tripods and began! In the first scene i had to get tackled to the floor. I, of course, said to make it look as real as possible and said to do it at full force, which was fine for the first take... Of 5.

After that the filming progressed as normal and i had a blast! Along the way we saw others filming and they all looked like they were going to be amazing! Sadly, the wind picked up at the top of the Abbey and it started poring down, so due to safety precautions, we all had to retreat into the hostil and were not allowed to film outside for the rest of the day. This made for a very fun afternoon with friends but not very productive apart from a few scenes we were able to shoot from the inside!
And so the day was brought to a close, with getting 2/3s of the filming done, and playing poker inside with friends it was a nice mix of work and play!

Day 2: 
After the first day came to a close, we all turned in for the night.
Until about half 6 in the morning when i was woken up by my director eager to film! I admire his eagerness and understand the scarcity of the time we had to get our work done, however we didnt end up filming til after breakfast, at 9 o'clock. So me being tired and a little annoyed, i got up from my bed and continued the days work, not allowing it to affect my performance.

We finished our scenes at the Abbey asap and continued to film the rest of the scenes just outside the Youth Hostil. After putting them all together the films name was to be Jaeger, and seeing it for the first time was wonderful! The editors really did a great job and i was very happy to have the experience of going to whitby, as well as having the opportunity to be in such a great film!


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