The Wizard of Oz

"The True Courage is Facing Danger, Even When All Seems Lost" - L. Frank Baum (The Wonderful Wizard of Oz)

Oh. My. Gosh. WOW. 
I'm utterly speechless, the yellow brick road we all helped to pave, the laughs and the struggle to make a tree, the show. Its all done, its over. All our characters from the wizard of oz have been laid to rest and I can tell you with exceeded confidence that I wouldn't have it any other way, this was my best show without a doubt, but I cant wait to take what I've learned into the next performance.

BUT I'm getting ahead of myself! 

The Wizard of Oz! Its a name everyone knows, an old but very popular story, and one I've never seen being put into play form, but one I could imagine translating very well due to the movies live action type of filming! Because of this, I was slightly sceptical on how it would work, but i will put my hands up, and take this as a lesson to never fear when Kelly is near. 
As we took up the challenge to decorate and make the land of Oz come to life, we started rehearsals: 

During rehearsals we all were able to figure out different things we could do with our character. The historian, being both the narrator and the Wizard, would stay on stage as much as possible in out of focus locations in order to sell the idea that he was all powerful and really not part of the story, then help the switch around when he was revealed to be the "Great and Terrible Wizard" of Oz. We spent a long time with our characters and scripts and this being my first on stage performance, I did my best to memorize my lines, but of course there was always a constant nervousness that i would forget and be left standing in silence. This fear I believe slightly affected my performance for the first two shows, but soon after it was over, and we continued onward:

5/12/2022 - Show 1:
For the first show of the 7 we are to do, I believe it went well!! I was a munchkin in this show and on the first of the two that happened today, there were a few slight issues but nothing glaring! Luckily those involved were able to remember their lines and improvise well when they couldn’t!

For the second one it was much better!! All the issues that were present before had completely dissipated which made the show incredible!! Truly the improvement was like night and day and I’m extremely proud of all of them.

As for my performance it was a little less excitable as I wished for the first show, but we went through the whole munchkin part, and it was perfect by the end! I have to give props to Harley for his Wizard performance, truly if I can perform anywhere near that good I will proud of myself.

Still, I am here to go above and beyond and no matter what I intend to give it my all tomorrow!

6/12/2022 - Show 2:
This was my first day as the Royal Historian/Wizard of Oz! I certainly can’t put my feelings down to one exact thing but all in all I believe the show went great!! There were a few issues with me forgetting a line ot two but thanks to Millie’s improvisation I was able to pull it back and continue as if nothing happened! I owe a lot to that!

This all happened with both shows of the day but overall I feel good about it!! I certainly wasn’t as prepared as I could’ve been for it and will take this experience into my next performance, I plan to take every opportunity to revise the lines I’m a bit iffy on and all and all I’m very excited to perfect it!

7/12/2022 - Show 3: 
Today was the third show! Certainly I have complicated feelings on it, I saw some glaring issues but I feel the most bad for Morgan as a lot of cues were cut and there was basically more improv than there was actual show, the whole cast seemed more unprepared than I expected, i feel they need to have a few more rehearsals, sadly they haven’t had as much time to rehearse as the rest of the casts and it shows.

However, getting that out of the way, the show was still exceptional! The first show fell a bit flat on the audience, though you could still see they were enjoying every minute, even those that weren’t in the script! For the second show there was laughs around every corner! There was smiles on faces at every turn, some issues had been ironed out after the first performance and you could see and hear how much the audience was loving the show!

8/12/2022 - Show 4:
This day was sadly our last performance as our cast! We spent the rehearsal time making sure we had everything ironed out in order to put on the best show we could! I felt immensely more confident on my character on both shows, it really showed how we had taken our performance notes from our last few shows and worked them into today!! I'm so proud and happy say that i have no regrets with our final shows! Our cast did their best and I'm so proud of each and every one of them. This was truly an incredible experience, being a main part on a stage truly showed me the joy and love of acting and no matter the size of my next part i will continue to love and enjoy it moving forward! 

9/12/2022 - Show 5:
Within this show I was a munchkin! I played my role well and even did a funny brother kind of relationship with mark as to make our characters more intuitive! The show was cast 3 and you could tell they really worked on their performances! The glaring issues from the first few shows were no longer there and everyone's confidence had increased tenfold, both shows went wonderfully and it was an honour to be a part of the cast even as a munchkin!

12/12/2022 - Show 6:
Our final WOo show! Here it is, cast 1 had their last show today and to say it went perfect would be a little bit of an overstatement, I was an Ozzian in this cast and there was a little bit of an issue in the first show of the day, the main part, Morgan was nowhere to be seen!! He was late on his que for coming out which made me looking for him miss my part as well. It was an unfortunate situation that was no ones fault and so the show continued with little to no mistakes!! Within the second show all of this was cleared up and the performance went wonderfully!


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