Y2 The Ghost Light Tours
Here we are again! The ghost light tours, second halloween in a row and what a show it was! Exploring the globe in its new form was incredible, it was amazing to see the renowned theatre with no seats or rows in the seating area and it worked perfectly for the execution scene which was at the end of the show!
We stared our show and got into positions. Since last year I was the one who directed the group through the theatre, it was a welcome and interesting change to be someone who had to sit and wait for their cue, it allowed me to play with my character and reevaluate the manner in which I was to give my speech. I ended up making a few changes to how I would deliver my lines which affected me in a greatly positive way.
Being in the theatre again, a familiar place and yet a completely unfamiliar role, it added a whole new challenge to the performace. The work the sound technicians did with making it sound like 19th century London in the room was a real help that immersed me immediately, im sure the audience felt the same.
The first show, being the performance that the children would watch, had to be lessened in intensity. However, i made sure to keep my character alive and well, not giving into the scary side, moreso than the creepy aspect of a looming doom. I waited behind the door in obvious sight for the audience to pass me, watching them, then creeping up the side ramp up to my podium. I made sure to make a loud bang on cue to get the audience to quickly turn my direction. It was enjoyable to be able to bring the performance to a younger audience without changing my character too much.
In the end, as the rest of the shows ended up, the audience decided to execute all three of us. A certain part of me wishes that there wasnt an option to execute all three prisoners, as it seems to me to be the easy way out of a difficult choice. However, I still made sure to act cocky before the sentencing, the way I made my character, "Im gonna get out of this one, as i have many times before" to the very end.
It is easy to undoubtedly say I had a blast and it was an incredible first performance for the new college year! I cannot, however, say i was not nervous as it was my first performance in what seemed like a very long time. I decided that the experience of being nervous after a long time will prove useful to feel now, and so i can prepare for it moving forward, especially for when i am cast into the real world.
Everything played in unison and show after show it went off without a hitch. It was easy to see how much everyone had grown over the years, their initial nervouness and fear seemed to have completely dissapated. It was inspiring to work alongside my peers in another incredible performance, the same place, new role. I hope I can copy that trend while outiside of college also! I cant wait for what we have next.
Peter Pan the Musical shall be a challenge I have had no practice in at all and will set a president for myself on what i can accomplish.
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