21st April - 2nd May 2024
22nd April - 2nd May 2024
Cast List day, I think I speak for everyone when I say nerves were present. More than present they were up the wall. I can confidently say that I've never been as scared for a role as I was today, I don't know why. I guess if I could think of a few reasons I could say I was nervous because it was my last role of college, maybe because I hadn't acted in a while and I was nervous to go for a big role, whatever the reason I'd never felt this way before. One Flew Over The Cuckcoos Nest isn't the first film play that we've done, yet when watching the movie I enjoyed it everso much more than little women (not that i didnt enjoy little women) but i was immediately filled with desire to play McMurphy.
I've never played such an eccentric character before, it will be a challenge and an absolute delight to give it a go.
Since most of the class was away at York performing, I spent the day going over some card tricks I'm learning for McMurphy, as well as learning lines for the first full scene!
Today i spent most of the morning going through the hunt script with my cast. After seeing a lot of them not really be ready to put the show on, i was feeling defeated and was almost ready to cancel the show. But we decided to keep going and move the show date to after radium girls. After lunch we went into Kelly's lesson and spent the time showing and rehearsing the first scene of One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest. We also saw the start of the Radium Girls and it looks to be going very well!! I aim to keep learning my lines and get better over the weekend!
29th April - 2nd May
Today we started off running through our opening scenes of one flew over the cuckoo's nest and refining it. I rushed the lines slightly today but overall feel as if I did a good job. We spent time going through the first cast and then we're split off to complete some research so that the radium girls could take over the space and work on their routine also. When coming back after, we ran through cast 2 of one flew over and I spent time grasping my character and who it was in cast 2, which is an asylum patient who is very highly pumped on drugs.
Today we were in full head down work mode! The kind of environment I thrive in I feel like. We started off the day by splitting the room in two, one side being radium girls, the other one flew over, and began with cast 2. I watched closely while looking over my lines and even went off with some people to practice certain scenes! It was incredibly productive and I feel like there wasn't a moment wasted!
Since most of the cast was away today at the New Views Writing Event, I was able to have a work day at home. I spent the day drilling through the lines, using the opportunities to my best ability!
Once again another full productive day! We spit off into our respective groups and began from where we left of, our production so far has been great!! I cant wait to get fully off script so we can finalise a few parts but we got all the way to ACT 2! Which means the next time we run it we will be doing so from the second part of the play, it seems the second act is a lot shorter than the first! I actually appreciate this, as it'll let me know when we finish act 1 that we only have a little left to go
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